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Magellan overcomes jet card challenges in buoyant decade
Magellan Jets is celebrating a decade of success with year-over-year growth rates of 30 per cent and retention rates exceeding 93 per cent. In 2019 alone, its membership enrolment doubled.
Joshua Hebert believes that Magellan has achieved ‘recession-proof’ growth.

Magellan Jets began the last decade by introducing jet-specific 25-hour jet cards. By the end of the decade, it faced more than 125 competing products and has produced sustained growth by putting the needs of its members and clients first. The company is celebrating a decade of success with year-over-year growth rates of 30 per cent and retention rates exceeding 93 per cent. In 2019 alone, its membership enrolment doubled, while on-demand charter grew by a third. This year, it will significantly increase its investment in its people and infrastructure as it continues to focus on supporting technology-enabled professionals that work to represent members and clients in the private aviation marketplace.

“We are pleased with the success of our team, and are truly grateful for the members and clients that make this kind of sustainable, recession-proof growth possible,” says Joshua Hebert, Magellan Jets CEO and founder. “We have the best team, and we look forward to continuing to invest in growth.”

“The 2010s were an exciting time to grow and learn. The biggest leap in learning and skill came after we decided to grow client-by-client, without outside investments, and without taking on a penny of debt,” explains Anthony Tivnan, Magellan Jets' president and co-founder. “To be able to build trust with clients and colleagues alike and also grow the organisation to be able to support a purely private and personalised service model requires sacrifice, dedication and grit. Our research and collaboration with industry partners in 2018 and 2019 surfaced several pointed insights and ultimately resulted in solid strategic plans that give us confidence that not only are we prepared for any economic eventuality, but can make our model scale faster during boom times by applying many of the same ideas and principles we plan to use during a downturn.

"The 'ah-ha' moment came in the 2010s when we learned that the things we do to fine-tune our business for growth while hedging for a challenging economic environment have benefits that we can directly apply to the lives of our members and clients.” Tivnan continued. “We are the last firm standing that has the talent, experience and interest in managing a complete private aviation portfolio for individuals and companies alike.”

“2018 was the most challenging year in our more than 11 years in the business, but we are a better organisation because of it,” Hebert continues. “We needed to use 2018 and early 2019 to position the company for growth and sustainability, and that resulted in 2019 being our best year of the 2010s in terms of revenue, net profit, membership services renewal rates and client retention.

“Our core values are the ultimate foundation of our growth. Our member and client experience is merely an excellent extension of the culture within our corporate family. Leading with safety, caring deeply, creating amazing experiences are more than words. They are an attitude, a discipline, and a lifestyle.”

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